Certificación y Normalización CERTYNOM, SC
We are a Civil Society accredited by Entidad Mexicana de Acreditacion, AC EMA , and approved respectively by the General Directorate of Standards of the Ministry of Economy, the National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy and the Federal Telecommunications Institute respectively, as a Body for the Evaluation of Conformity of the Rubber Industry, Electricity - Electronics, Measurement Instruments, Energy Efficiency and Telecommunications.
We have a competent and reliable technical, material and human infrastructure to be recognized nationally and internationally by private and public organizations, dedicated to the development of Standardization and Certification activities within the framework of the Quality Infrastructure Law, with the purpose of contributing to the improvement of the quality of products, processes and services for the benefit of our users.

About Us
Participate as a highly competitive Organization in the field of Standardization and Evaluation of National and International Conformity with recognition of the different sectors within our scope of services.
To be an Organization for Standardization and Evaluation of Conformity accredited and approved in the terms of the Quality Infrastructure Law in the sectorial areas of interest, which transcends its acceptance and national and international recognition, in order to grant its services with the highest professional value for the benefit and satisfaction of its clients.
General objective:
To be a full, efficient and highly reliable conformity assessment body, strictly adhering to the legal framework established in the Quality Infrastructure Law, which provides its services to users of the Rubber Industry (tires, tubes and valves), Electrical, Electronics, Measurement Instruments, Energy Efficiency and Telecommunications.
Quality politics
CERTYNOM's policy is to provide product certification services under non-discriminatory conditions with professional criteria and impartiality and with a purpose of commitment to service and customer satisfaction, strictly adhering to the framework of the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardization. In this way, our services will be focused on the continuous improvement of our Quality Management System for the benefit of our clients.

CERTYNOM, SC member COPARMEX Metropolitano
Certificación y Normalización CERTYNOM, SC as of September 2016 is an active member of the Centro Empresarial Metropolitano del Estado de México, SP COPARMEX, which has 36,000 affiliated companies nationwide in 14 Delegations and 65 Business Centers.